Monday, January 19, 2009

Companies going green

Companies going green often see a great impact on their overheads as well as on the environment. Think of GMs hesitation to move towards fuel efficient automobils and the effect it had on their company. Their failure to adjust to this change in society and customer demand nearly cost them their business.

1 comment:

  1. I currently believe that going green is necessary for the survival of the United States. For too long have we followed the same techniques to provide us power, purchasing the oil from the same people that dislike us, I believe its time that we step into the 20th century and deliver clean productive energy alternatives. With technologies 100 times greater then 30 years ago providing things such as plasma tv's, cars that go 200+mph, super computers, and medicine to cure incurable diseases, we still haven't modified energy consumption for more then 100 years. Why not, because these people who ran oil and energy companies were making to much money to care to replace it. As a business man I think that it is a great business to have been in, but renewable energy will be the money maker for the next 100 years.
